Task force on the issue Skill Development: Role and responsibility of Stakeholder constituted of following six members:
• Ruth Coelho Monteiro (Brazil) -Chair
• Margarita Pavlova (China)
• Hiromichi Katayama (UNESCO)
• Narimane Hadj Hamou (UAE)
• Shahadat Hossain Khan (Bangladesh)
• Abhishek (India)
The task force recommended that skill training curricula should incorporate green skills to address the global skill gap. To ensure that skills acquired in one country are recognized in another, there is a need for a common qualification framework. This framework would ensure that skills obtained in the source country are acknowledged and valued in the destination country. Additionally, it is proposed that a global skill management information system (MIS) should be developed. Instead of solely focusing on workers without skill certificates, there should be a greater emphasis on recognizing prior learning (RPL).
Skill Development Report
Task Force Members