According to ILO, 29% of the world’s population has comprehensive social security systems that provide for new- born, families, and retirees. But the majority have no protection at all or merely bare minimum. The establishment of bilateral agreements between the country of origin and the country of destination will be an effective means of guaranteeing basic standards and rights of migrant workers. Negotiations are open to countries that aim to improve the rights of their low- skilled employees in line with global norms. Compliance requirements would be a part of any such agreements and such pacts may reduce the likelihood of exploitation by facilitating legal movement and employment. The task force concluded that bilateral and multilateral agreements complement each other, and that bilateral accords operate within the context of international norms at the multilateral level.
The task force highlighted that the lack of comprehensive data on migration exacerbated the inefficiency of social protection systems. The use of technology can be utilized in various ways, such as identifying migrants who may already be eligible for social assistance and creating programmes for marginalized communities.
The task force suggested to conduct a disaggregation of national data pertaining to social safety schemes, considering citizenship and residency status as a reliable indicator of migrant status that would help facilitate the computation of potential financial ramifications of transferable benefits and the estimation of the labour migrants’ effective de facto social protection coverage.
It further suggested taking initiatives to facilitate mobility on a unilateral, bilateral and multilateral basis engaging private and global companies and through third- party providers.